Muscular Imbalances Cause Jaw Pain
A lot of joint pain is caused by muscular imbalances around the joint. The pain improves when the imbalances are addressed— even with...
3 Reasons Why You Still Have Jaw Pain
Pain persists for many reasons, but here’s 3! 1️⃣You haven’t identified the root cause of your pain If don’t determine the reason WHY you...
The TWO Root Causes for TMD
TMD is caused by one of two things: Trauma to the joint Orofacial and Myofunctional Disorders Trauma to the joint can happen any time!...
3 Mistakes in Treating TMD
Over the years I have realized that there are 3 common mistakes clinicians and patients make when treating TMD. Don't seek help quickly...
The Importance Of Breathing Through Your Nose
Did you know that we are supposed to breathe through our nose?! Yes, that's right! For so many good reasons too! Here are a few: 1) The...
Over the years I've learned....
As we age, we learn. We learn a new thing every day! Or at least we should. Learning means we are changing, evolving, becoming better....
10 Signs You Have TMD?
What is TMD? Why isn't it called TMJ? TMJ= Temporomandibular Joint We all have TMJs, in fact we have TWO! TMD= Temporomandibular...
Why Did I Specialize in Treating People With Head, Neck and Jaw Pain?
I didn't always want to specialize in treating patient with headaches, migraines, neck pain and jaw pain.